Saturday, January 21, 2012


Here's my take on the movie:
After sleeping on it and back reflecting my on past experiences, I've decided to past on this one (RED TAILS) reason: At 17, I enlisted in the United States Army and after basic training, joined the 24th Infantry Regiment Combat Team, originally known as the BUFFALO-SOLDIERS. There I found myself fighting a bloody war in a place I had never heard of: Korea. During nine months of fierce combat, I developed not only a soldier's mentality but a political consciousness as well.
SO SAYING, I COULDN'T AGREE WITH MICHAEL PHILLIPS MORE.. BOTTOMLINE, WARS, ARE NOTHING LIKE THOSE MADE IN HOLLYWOOD. The real portrayers of wars as lived by we who fought them, will be carried to our graves.

PS: I'd be interested to know just how many veterans that’ve experience the really of a war, will go to see one made in Hollywood???

And btw the actors, as usual just played their parts.. Its the writers & producers intentions, that I question. Like if you’re going to tell a story, tell it like it really happen.

BOTTOM LINE: I, like so many others, will carry our war experiences to our graves, because if the truth was told, there would never be another war.

On behalf of;
The Forgotten Warriors. Of Forgotten Wars.

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